by Rita Lady This would be a perfect opportunity to talk about how the Democratic Socialist party is puppeteering a 77-year-old man, who seemingly has Dementia, across the world stage. But I’ll save that for another time. There is something far more sinister happening in our world. It is more atrocious than looting, rioting, and statue toppling. On the surface, it would seem as though groups like BLM, Antifa, and the Democratic Socialist parties of the world are angered over systematic racism, reparations, trans rights, etc. They insist on bludgeoning everyone with how diverse they are and how racist the rest of us are, but then proceed to categorize and label humans like cattle en route to the slaughter house. To onlookers, leftists do-gooders fight for racial injustice. It is the one thing standing in the way of a better society/their communist utopia. But it is not racism that is in their way and they know it. Old people and their old beliefs are what’s in their way. Dr. Marcus de Brun, a highly esteemed microbiologist who, until a few months ago, served on the Irish Medical Board, resigned from the Board after witnessing elderly abuse of the highest order. COVID positive patients were placed in nursing homes alongside COVID negative patients which Dr. Brun called “state sanctioned Euthanasia.” Sound familiar, Andrew Cuomo? But this is not just happening in Ireland and the U.S. A nurse in Sweden was told not to admit anyone over 65 to the hospital even if they were otherwise healthy. She went on to say that there are hardly any elderly COVID patients in the hospitals; only those born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Dr. Brún isn’t the only one who rightly recognizes this as euthanasia. Swedish Professor of Geriatrics Yngve Gustafson reported that instead of providing life-saving treatment to the elderly, hospitals are essentially sending the elderly home to hospice. Gustafson said, “Instead, giving morphine and midazolam regularly to elderly people with lung infection is active euthanasia, if not something worse. We gave up on the elderly who could have had a chance of survival.” Human euthanasia or "mercy killings" is not new. It was the first step for Hitler in a series of steps to rid the world of the "feeble, mentally ill, and unfit" which ultimately led to the "Final Solution" or gas chamber. Places in the U.S that practice euthanasia are Oregon, New York, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, Vermont, Washington, Montana, District of Columbia, through bills sponsored by Democrats. Coincidence? Sure. Those born just before 1980 (GenX anyone?) largely have mixed and typically balanced views of the world. GenXers have one foot in the tech world and one foot in the world of TV shows like Wonder Years and He-Man. These shows depicted alpha male heroes, a stable nuclear family, or both. We were also heavily influenced by our parents, now elderly, who grew up in a time when respect for elders was non-negotiable. Divorce, single-parenting, and men dressing as women was not a reason for celebration...far from it. They had sayings like “the early bird gets the worm” and “if you don’t work you don’t eat.” They believed in hard work, God, humility, and being thankful for what you have. Fast forward to today. Younger generations have blindly embraced every ideology that their parents and grandparents largely, morally opposed like free stuff and rejecting your biological sex/gender. In adopting anti-God, anti-science, and supremacist ideologies, the woke generation is ignorant of the fact that they are merely helping to fulfil the dreams of multi-billion-dollar elites and philanthropers whose sole desire in life is more power, money, domination and subjugation of the masses. So, to the woke, non-binary, mermaid, self-identifiers, you will not be spared from standing in bread lines with the rest of us. The Left vehemently despises the older generations (as evident in the video below) for the aforementioned reasons. But also because they're part of the traditionalist, cis-gendered, binary bigot class, of course. Additionally, they can't have the elderly eating into their free healthcare budget. The end always justifies the means in their world. I saw a comment once that read “Well, they’re old and almost dead anyway, so who cares" in response to seniors feeling unsafe in light of the Minneapolis riots. Woke folks cannot quite explain the origins of their moral compass but that does not deter them from trying to play God. The consensus seems to be that whoever is on the highest totem pole of intersectional victimhood gets to define virtue, righteousness, and wickedness for us all. So then, wealthy Democrat Socialists decry inequality, along with big money globalists who can’t wait to depopulate the earth, starting with our elderly. Angry, woke, terrorist groups like BLM and Antifa believe that anyone who dares to disagree with their views are morally evil people...and evil people should not be allowed to think, speak, or live, apparently. It is no wonder that definitions such as sex and gender have been redefined to include a person’s feelings over science. It is no wonder that the safety of children and biological women are trampled for the sake of gender dysphoric men (see gender neutral bathrooms). It is also no wonder that inclusive, progressive parents, instead of "evil white" Santa, have opted to let their kids sit on the drag-queen-story-tellers' lap. The planned attacks by anarchists and communists that we’re seeing across the globe against people from all walks of life, especially our most vulnerable, has never been about race or inequality. It has always been about control and above all, erasing and rewriting history. We should not at all be surprised that leftist governments are cosigning revisionist history projects, toppling statues, burning historical books and killing off our treasured history bearers; the elderly.