Identity War: Another Child Removed From Parents
With help from the state of Montana, a 14 year old girl was removed from parents who refused to affirm her new found gender identity.
Who Cares About Female Inmates? Not California.
Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 132 that would allow men who claim to be women, to be locked up with real, biological women.
Yes. They Are Coming for Your Children.
“They were doing all this secretly,” Martinez said. “I didn’t even realize that my daughter was going to this club because they don’t report to you what they’re doing at school, to keep them ‘safe’ from their parents, according to them.”
Sweden's Borderless Utopia
In 1975, the Swedish socialist government voted to forcibly alter the Swedish cultural landscape in the name of diversity. Today, forty-five years later, rape of native Swedes have increased by 1,472%.
The Neo-Racist Anti-White Woke Cult
"Critical Race theorists believe that people who they claim benefit from “systemic racism,” which they declare to be the ordinary state of affairs in society, want to maintain it, which is why Critical Race theorists say virtually everyone is racist."
Biden Can't Wait To Let Boys in Girls Locker Rooms
Here we go again. Girls and boys are being forced to share locker rooms.
"Reverend" Warnock Goes on a Racist Rant
Raphael Warnock, a Democratic Senator candidate for Georgia and natural addition to the long list of race hustlers in America's political class, demands that America repent for it's "worship of whiteness."
Illinois Board of Education Gets Woker
John Dewey, father of the American public education system, was an anti-God humanist, bent on reshaping Western society, starting with schools. His idea was that socialism, collectivism, totalitarianism, and any other helpful -isms would be the ‘new social order;’ the new religion. Apparently, Illinois bureaucrats agree.
What in the World Has Happened to America?
In 1940-1962, teachers complained of students chewing gum and talking in class. In 1963, a year after prayer and the Bible were removed, teachers complained of rape, robbery, assault and arson.
More Minnesota Shenanigans
Ballot harvesting operatives have reportedly appeared at residents doors to tell them, “You will vote for Ilhan Omar this year. We will fill in the form for you. When you get it back, we will fill it in again. You will stay home and you will not go to the [polling] place.”
Bill H.R.6666: Yep, it is Creepy
A peeping-tom type of invasion of citizens’ privacy by government assigned agents or "eligible entities."
Denver Says NO to Rioters
"COVID positive patients were placed in nursing homes alongside COVID negative patients which Dr. Brun called “state sanctioned Euthanasia.”
Protecting the Bearded Lady
You're in the restroom at Target with your five year old daughter. Suddenly a guy with a full beard, a dress and a long flowing blond wig comes in behind you. What do you do? Don't fret, he's just coming for the urinal.
Elder Abuse: Why Socialists Despise the Elderly
As a result of the anarchy that took place, the city has suspended the jail inmate cap that was implemented in March due to COVID, to make room for rioting anarchists.
Democrats Unholy Union with Planned Parenthood
Margaret Sanger's initiatives included sterilization of black women and people with disabilities in an effort to rid the world of "the inferior, unfit, feeble-minded, dregs" of society.
RIP African-American
The true sentiment behind race hyphenations is “You’re not actually American so never get comfortable.”
One Nation Under God
Because the U.S is a Constitutional Republic (though we have veered far) and is not ruled by a dictator, people are free to use the internet to research and apply for citizenship in a country which best suits their ideals.